Package: RelationalContracts 0.2.0

RelationalContracts: Characterize relational contracts in repated or stochastic games

Characterize relational contracts in repated or stochastic games. Can also analyse repeated negotiation equilibria.

Authors:Sebastian Kranz

RelationalContracts.pdf |RelationalContracts.html
RelationalContracts/json (API)

# Install 'RelationalContracts' in R:
install.packages('RelationalContracts', repos = c('', ''))

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2.48 score 4 stars 15 scripts 154 exports 25 dependencies

Last updated 4 years agofrom:e29d080e8b (on master). Checks:OK: 1 WARNING: 6. Indexed: yes.

Doc / VignettesOKSep 22 2024
R-4.5-winWARNINGSep 22 2024
R-4.5-linuxWARNINGSep 22 2024
R-4.4-winWARNINGSep 22 2024
R-4.4-macWARNINGSep 22 2024
R-4.3-winWARNINGSep 22 2024
R-4.3-macWARNINGSep 22 2024


Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Use ggplotly to show an animation of the payoff sets of a capped RNE going from t=T to t=1animate_capped_rne_history
Use ggplotly to show an animation of the payoff sets of a list of equilibriaanimate_eq_li
Helper function to find differences between two equilibriacompare_eq
Take a look at the computed transitions for each state using separate data framesdiagnose_transitions
Aggregate equilibrium behavior in games with random active playereq_combine_xgroup
Draws a diagram of equilibrium state transitioneq_diagram
Draws a diagram of equilibrium state transitioneq_diagram_xgroup
Get the last computed equilibrium of game gget_eq
Get the results of all solved repeated games assuming the state is fixedget_repgames_results
Get the last computed RNE of game gget_rne
Retrieve more details about the last computed RNEget_rne_details
Get the last computed SPE of game gget_spe
Get the intermediate steps in from t = T to t = 1 for a T-RNE or capped RNE that has been solved with 'save.history = TRUE'get_T_rne_history
Helper functions to specify state transitionsirv
Helper function to specify state transitionsirv_joint_dist
Helper functions to specify state transitionsirv_val
Show a base R plot of equilibrium payoff setplot_eq_payoff_set
Fix action profiles for the equilibrium path (ae) and during punishment (a1.hat and a2.hat) that are assumed to be played after the cap in period T onwards. The punishment profile a1.hat is the profile in which player 1 already plays a best-reply (in a1 he might play a non-best reply). From the specified action profiles in all states, we can compute the relevant after-cap payoffs U(x), v1(x) and v2(x) assuming that state transitions would continue.rel_after_cap_actions
Specify the SPE payoff set(s) of the truncated game(s) after a cap in period T. While we could specify a complete repeated game that is played after the cap, it also suffices to specify just an SPE payoff set of the truncated game of the after-cap state.rel_after_cap_payoffs
Solve an RNE for a capped version of a gamerel_capped_rne
Add parameters to a relational contracting gamerel_change_param
Compiles a relational contracting gamerel_compile
Translate equilibrium payoffs as discounted sum of payoffsrel_eq_as_discounted_sums
Compute first-best.rel_first_best
Creates a new relational contracting gamerel_game
Checks if an equilibrium eq with negotiation payoffs is an RNErel_is_eq_rne
Tries to find a MPE by computing iteratively best repliesrel_mpe
Set some game optionsrel_options
Add parameters to a relational contracting gamerel_param
Find an RNE for a (weakly) directional gamerel_rne
Scale equilibrium payoffsrel_scale_eq_payoffs
Solves for all specified states the repeated game assuming the state is fixedrel_solve_repgames
Finds an optimal simple subgame perfect equilibrium of g. From this the whole SPE payoff set can be deduced.rel_spe
Compute the long run probability distribution over states if an equilibrium is played for many periods.rel_state_probs
Add one or multiple states. Allows to specify action spaces, payoffs and state transitions via functionsrel_state rel_states
Compute a T-RNErel_T_rne
Add a state transition from one state to one or several states. For more complex games, it may be preferable to use the arguments '' of 'link{rel_states}' instead.rel_transition