RTutor - Interactive R problem sets with automatic testing of solutions and automatic hints

Interactive R problem sets with automatic testing of solutions and automatic hints

Last updated 7 months ago


200 stars 5.36 score 65 dependencies 1 dependents

stringtools - Tools for working with strings in R

Tools for working with strings in R

Last updated 2 years ago

1 stars 3.62 score 8 dependencies 26 dependents

repboxDB - Functions for exported repbox data

Functions for exported repbox data

Last updated 2 months ago

2.57 score 100 dependencies 9 dependents

dbmisc - Tools for working with SQLite in R

Tools for working with SQLite in R, in particular support for simple YAML schemas.

Last updated 2 years ago


25 stars 2.50 score 12 dependencies 4 dependents

repboxHtml - HTML reports for repbox

HTML reports for repbox

Last updated 2 months ago

1.95 score 103 dependencies 2 dependents

repboxReg - Repbox module for analysing regressions

Repbox module for analysing regressions

Last updated 3 months ago

1.90 score 136 dependencies 2 dependents

repboxRun - Run repbox analyses

Run repbox analyses

Last updated 3 months ago

1.69 score 150 dependencies 1 dependents

gtree - gtree basic functionality to model and solve games

gtree basic functionality to model and solve games

Last updated 3 years ago


16 stars 1.69 score 36 dependencies 1 dependents

GithubActions - Functions to facilitate use of Github Actions via R

Work in progress. Not yet working well.

Last updated 2 months ago

2 stars 1.38 score 9 dependencies 2 dependents

repboxR - Repbox for R code files in code supplements

Repbox for R code files in code supplements

Last updated 8 months ago

1.08 score 105 dependencies 2 dependents

repboxGithub - Tools for Repbox and Github interaction

Tools for Repbox and Github interaction

Last updated 8 months ago

0.82 score 25 dependencies 1 dependents

mygpt - Customize your own ChatGPT RStudio Addins.

See README.md for details

Last updated 2 years ago

7 stars 0.82 score 22 dependencies

rmdtools - Tools for RMarkdown

Tools for RMarkdown

Last updated 4 years ago

1 stars 0.82 score 32 dependencies 2 dependents

RelationalContracts - Characterize relational contracts in repated or stochastic games

Characterize relational contracts in repated or stochastic games. Can also analyse repeated negotiation equilibria.

Last updated 4 years ago


4 stars 0.49 score 25 dependencies

EnergyChartsAPI - R Interface to the Energy Charts API

R Interface to the Energy Charts API

Last updated 2 months ago

1 stars 0.36 score 23 dependencies